With the standard-fitting-system according to DIN ISO 12151-2 and DIN ISO 12151-3 we offer benefits to assemble swage fitting with the applicable ferrule with or without skiving, according to the standards for hose lines. We produce and store this system from DN5 up to DN100 in standard or special versions, step sizes and elbow fittings in different angles and heights in monobloc construction or soldered with silver.
Safety-Fittings System 9000 / AS-Z
The new technology of our Safety Fittings System according to DIN ISO 12151-2 and 12151-3 sets new standards for the future. Tearing away and leaking are a thing of the past. The reason of this new development was the safety, under consideration of steadily increasing pressures of the pump manufacturers and the variety of high and extreme pressure hoses according to DIN - EN - ISO - SAE, which is available to the user.
Our program of specialized parts is covering the entire range of hose manufacturers. Furthermore, with the new system, we meet the guidelines of the European Community. Product-specific we meet the national and international standards and safety regulations, especially the European standard EN 201 of April 1997, the new standards as mentioned above and the regulations 237-2008 of the german trade associations. The system from DN6 up to DN76 is approved by the hose manufacturers in oil-hydraulics, dynamic operating pressure in quadruplicate safety!
For waterblast hoses we manufacture the system in a slightly modified way.
Short description AS-Z System 90000 A - Safety Interlock

Flange fittings standard system
Standard system DIN ISO 12151-3 and ISO 6162-2, 90°, different flank heights, monobloc construction, S - Series

Flange fittings AS-Z system
Flanscharmaturen in Flange fittings AS-Z system, special design, L - and S - Series with higher operating pressures by changes in material.
Please contact us by phone +49 (0) 7462 94 57 0 or by E-Mail